Monday, 20 February 2012

Pan Am

Ooh, I like this one!

It has lost a lot of viewers in the US and there has been rumors of it being cancelled, but yesterday the season finale aired. It has been a great show, some episodes better than others, but I liked most of the episode.
The time it is set in is the sixties and just the clothes and the feeling is very believable.
The season finale was really good and i hope for a second season...


I once made a list of TV-shows i wanted to watch. Here is some of them:

The Office

I've seen the first episode, but pilots are rarely good. This one was all right and i would like to watch more episodes


I would also like to follow this show. It should be rather good!


I don't know a lot about this show. I've heard about and I liked what i heard....

30 rock

This is a fun TV-show. It would be nice to follow it regularly!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

"The Birds"

Today i watched the old movie "The Birds".

After watching "Psycho" and "The Birds" I'm beginning to understand why Alfred Hitchcock's movies are so popular.
You hear how scary these movies are suppose to be, so when you watch it you're frightened even before you begin. It isn't the content of the story, that is scary. It's whats between the lines, what is alluded. The tension is incredible.

Friday, 10 February 2012


I might be a fan, but nothing near Ida's standard. But here is one of my favorite TV-shows:


A very original TV-show. I began watching it, when I were tired of every TV-show being the same. This isn't! It is so great...
A group of weird people going to community college.

Movies I've watched lately

Lets jump right in to it:
At the moment I'm more into movies, than Tv-shows. The weather gives you a reason for watching a movie with a friend.
Films I've been watching lately (please no judgement):

"J. Edgar":

It is great. Not perfect, but great. It's a long movie, but I didn't really notice. Worth watching!


Actually reminds me a little of "J. Edgar". I think this one is the best. 

"The Lion King":

Pure nostalgie. I were a child again, when i watched this. I can't help thinking the same as when I were a child: Amazing!

"I'm Still Here":

You just can't explain this movie. After watching I had to check if it was true.... It was

Hey there.

Hello little child...
I am the other part of the duo. Emilie....
I might not be as technical as Ida, but I love movies, I love TV-shows and I love music. Of course you might not care about our opinion, but to be honest I don't think our opinion is that off. We might bring in a guest blogger once in a while; my friend is a passionate disney lover, so she might by stopping by.
Guess this is a welcome from me!